Wednesday, 6 May 2015

New Releases.

After a prolonged period of inactivity there are two new releases during May.
Firstly, to coincide with the U.K. general election on May the 7th Mr. Francis E. Slingsby Esq. is releasing his debut single, a cover of The Move's (unreleased at the time) 1967 single 'Vote for Me'.

'The Slingsby Hornets' have also contributed a track to the double Cheap Trick tribute CD 'Never Surrender', released by Australian label Zero Hour Records on May the 22nd.
We were lucky enough to be able to record a version of one of my all time favourite Cheap Trick tunes, 'Clock Strikes Ten'.  The CD features a host of well known names from the world of power-pop, including the legendary Wyatt Frame!

Click on the pictures for more details.